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Overview of source code editorThe main part of the HippoEDIT is sophisticated source code editor, optimized for source code analysis. The editor is implemented with a great attention to usability guidelines, so it is equally suitable for both novice and experienced users. User interface is highly customizable and adaptable to current programming language. The editor provides all feature power user requires for working with program sources.
- For better overview of the program flow editor has source code outlining
- Different kinds of word wrap help you to see text of your programs without scrolling
- Named and unnamed bookmarks make navigation in source code easier and faster
- Highlighting of search results in source speed up manual replacement of text
- Marking of edited and saved lines help to not forget your changes
- Line numbers and indentation indicators, marking of matching and mismatching brackets, current line support and other source code editor functions make routine work easy and comfortable.
Screenshot: Overview of source code editor
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